Flying drones

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New Bee
Nov 3, 2016
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Is it usual to have drones still flying in and out at this time of year .

And also any thoughts about adding another box to a hive that is bursting at the seams with bees and bringing in huge amounts of pollen , or is it too late in the season .
Is it usual to have drones still flying in and out at this time of year .

And also any thoughts about adding another box to a hive that is bursting at the seams with bees and bringing in huge amounts of pollen , or is it too late in the season .

I have sorted a similar one out yesterday.
One frame of stores out and a frame of foundation in the middle.
Looking at wax scales on the inspection board they are drawing it already and the queen will lay in it.
If you still think you have to add another box then put it at the bottom. Nothing lost, nothing gained if they don't use it.
Is it usual to have drones still flying in and out at this time of year .

And also any thoughts about adding another box to a hive that is bursting at the seams with bees and bringing in huge amounts of pollen , or is it too late in the season .

I have drones in one hive out of eight. Watched them yesterday and thought of your post..Almost all other colonies have thrown them out - . As their queen is a sister of three other hives which have thrown out drones, it may be specific to that hive..

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