Finding a new apiary

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House Bee
Oct 17, 2015
Reaction score
West Midlands
Hive Type
Going to knock on a few doors next week in hope to find more sites, but was wondering if anyone has tryed flyers for when the door does not open due to the people been out. If so what infomation do you put on them for the best replys (apart from the easy stuff like phone numbers and contract details)
I emailed my local village mag and asked to put a ad in there for a plot to put hives with my email address. Got good response
If you are in an agricultural area, pop into a local farm (having first looked at google earth for sites that may be suitable).


Justsmith, its you that decides where they go, you must be firm and selective and it has to work for both parties completely. Be fair and firm you cant have issues where you cant have access at certain times. B+ is bang on the mark farms are your best bet.
i have 12 apiaries now, when i first started i almost begged people, then i soon found out you dont have to do that, most give you land to use as their generally good educated people who care about the environment !! last week i had a lady ring me up out of the blue offering me a place on a Manoir, with over 20 lime trees, Mmmmmm didn't think about it for Long. Smashing apiary going in next week.
In the long term, the work you do now will pay off dividends in the future. no hassle and go there when you want. be honest to them and yourself!!
Use google earth, maps etc. one has a ruler setting so you can measure between apiaries or roads or distance form and too other beekeepers or houses. all really helpful.
Best of luck

Justsmith, its you that decides where they go, you must be firm and selective and it has to work for both parties completely. Be fair and firm you cant have issues where you cant have access at certain times. B+ is bang on the mark farms are your best bet.
i have 12 apiaries now, when i first started i almost begged people, then i soon found out you dont have to do that, most give you land to use as their generally good educated people who care about the environment !! last week i had a lady ring me up out of the blue offering me a place on a Manoir, with over 20 lime trees, Mmmmmm didn't think about it for Long. Smashing apiary going in next week.
In the long term, the work you do now will pay off dividends in the future. no hassle and go there when you want. be honest to them and yourself!!
Use google earth, maps etc. one has a ruler setting so you can measure between apiaries or roads or distance form and too other beekeepers or houses. all really helpful.
Best of luck

Excellent advice.
Justsmith, its you that decides where they go, you must be firm and selective and it has to work for both parties completely. Be fair and firm you cant have issues where you cant have access at certain times. B+ is bang on the mark farms are your best bet.
i have 12 apiaries now, when i first started i almost begged people, then i soon found out you dont have to do that, most give you land to use as their generally good educated people who care about the environment !! last week i had a lady ring me up out of the blue offering me a place on a Manoir, with over 20 lime trees, Mmmmmm didn't think about it for Long. Smashing apiary going in next week.
In the long term, the work you do now will pay off dividends in the future. no hassle and go there when you want. be honest to them and yourself!!
Use google earth, maps etc. one has a ruler setting so you can measure between apiaries or roads or distance form and too other beekeepers or houses. all really helpful.
Best of luck

I have people contact me frequently now but when I first looked for sites, I put an ad in a couple of free papers and was called numerous times. Be careful it meets all your needs and be prepared to turn down sites.
I've gotten all my out apiaries through people I know .. one was being given up by another BK, one is on land owned by my mechanic, and the other is on land owned by the family of the parish clerk.
However, we - that is my local Association - get several offers a year of sites for bees..
It's up to the individual members to pursue and make whatever arrangements they deem fit.

Justsmith, its you that decides where they go, you must be firm and selective and it has to work for both parties completely. Be fair and firm you cant have issues where you cant have access at certain times. B+ is bang on the mark farms are your best bet.
i have 12 apiaries now, when i first started i almost begged people, then i soon found out you dont have to do that, most give you land to use as their generally good educated people who care about the environment !! last week i had a lady ring me up out of the blue offering me a place on a Manoir, with over 20 lime trees, Mmmmmm didn't think about it for Long. Smashing apiary going in next week.
In the long term, the work you do now will pay off dividends in the future. no hassle and go there when you want. be honest to them and yourself!!
Use google earth, maps etc. one has a ruler setting so you can measure between apiaries or roads or distance form and too other beekeepers or houses. all really helpful.
Best of luck
I do like your blog.
some farmer wifes are perverse

Year ago I approached a local farm and ended up talking to the farm manager he would have been more than willing to accomadate me BUT the farmers wife did note like bees and would not allow any on any of their FIVE farms. Now get this she only lived on one of the farm locations and never visited the others well the farmer missed out.