Feeding syrup on straw???

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Drone Bee
May 27, 2020
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I’ve seen videos of people seemingly filling a container with straw and then adding syrup…in the open air, not in the hive. Bees then descend in large numbers to mop it up.

Is this really a normal feeding technique? Isn’t it likely to spread disease?
Why do some people favour it over feeding within the hive?

Just curious…
I’ve seen videos of people seemingly filling a container with straw and then adding syrup…in the open air, not in the hive. Bees then descend in large numbers to mop it up.

Is this really a normal feeding technique? Isn’t it likely to spread disease?
Why do some people favour it over feeding within the hive?

Just curious…
It is an absolute no no. Encourages robbing and spreads desease. Do not do it please
Why do some people favour it over feeding within the hive?
Economy of time and equipment.

Youtube will have a US beekeeper feeding from open drums, who may argue that it's a reasonable method if the apiary is isolated and the need is to feed 10,000 colonies quickly and cheaply.
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I’ve seen videos of people seemingly filling a container with straw and then adding syrup…in the open air, not in the hive. Bees then descend in large numbers to mop it up.

Is this really a normal feeding technique? Isn’t it likely to spread disease?
Why do some people favour it over feeding within the hive?

Just curious…
You can use a container in the hive but not in the open. For instance, here, if you don't have a rapid feeder, an ice cream container can be used with a handful of straw/dried grass in it (then syrup poured into it). It is then sat on the hive mat (which sits on top of the frames). A spare box is put on top of the hive (around the container) and then the lid on that top box (of course).
It's an American thing
They have a different outlook on disease control.
Did you know they even have their own Foulbrood ?
As well as something called Sudden Colony Collapse disorder - a phenomenon unique to that side of the pond.

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