one drone - so we've probably got a week or two!
Thanks, I thought you had only mentioned drone brood thus far.
Drones may need a couple of weeks to mature, so reduced chance of swarming for the next ten days, I would think and there is a lot of time for changes in the plan. Keep it flexible.
I have one hive which has brood on 7 frames (14 x12s and quite well covered) and in a super above; not really added up the brood area covered. But no sign of drones yet, so you are a little ahead of me.
Regards, RAB
Thanks, I thought you had only mentioned drone brood thus far.
Drones may need a couple of weeks to mature, so reduced chance of swarming for the next ten days, I would think and there is a lot of time for changes in the plan. Keep it flexible.
I have one hive which has brood on 7 frames (14 x12s and quite well covered) and in a super above; not really added up the brood area covered. But no sign of drones yet, so you are a little ahead of me.
Regards, RAB