Feed to encourage

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John Hammond

New Bee
Nov 7, 2014
Reaction score
West sussex
Hive Type
Number of Hives
I'm a new be so this might be a silly question!
I fed the bees while they was drawing brood comb and they did that in about 10 days. So the question is can I feed to encourage them to draw out supers as mine are all new foundation? ? ? ?
I wouldn't. They will probably fill the drawn comb with the food! There is plenty of nectar around now for them to do it on their own!
Hi John, where in West Sussex are you? I'm near Barnham.

I'm brand new to beekeeping but am learning fast with a swarm that was unexpectedly thrust upon me on Saturday. From reading here and many other resources I don't see that feeding an established colony is necessary unless they run out of stores. I'd be inclined to let them do what they do best and leave them to it. I understand that feeding can cause them to store sugar syrup rather than make honey.

Like I say, I'm new at this so could be talking rubish! I'm sure others will pipe up soon enough.

Also, my point of view might be different to yours as I'm not really in it for the honey. It's a nice bonus if i get that far, but not my focus.
m not really in it for the honey. It's a nice bonus if i get that far, but not my focus.

A point worth bearing in mind is that if you are doing the job right then you can't help but get copious amounts of honey.
If you aren't getting any surplus then they are not in the best health or being managed correctly.
Never aim low!
A point worth bearing in mind is that if you are doing the job right then you can't help but get copious amounts of honey.
If you aren't getting any surplus then they are not in the best health or being managed correctly.
Never aim low!

Or its been a crap spring :icon_204-2:
Or its been a crap spring :icon_204-2:

Just about to harvest the 3rd and 4th supers from each of my honey production colonies tomorrow. Disappointing yield overall, total will probably only be about 80lbs per hive. As you say it's been a crap spring.