Extraction disaster. Need help.

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As others have pointed out the honey crystallized in the frames is most likely OSR and from my recent experience I have some still left in a few super frames both as solid crystals and some that appears jelly like. Anything that doesn't extract I give back to the bees in the hope that they will remove it!

One tip I did pick up, especially useful at this time of year, is to stand the supers in a warm room for at least 24hrs prior to extraction (depending on whether you are able to extract straight from the hive or like me you collect the supers to extract in a batch).
See here, this is how a Tangential is loaded.


Below is a radial


You can read my entire page on honey extraction here:


Hope that helps,

See here, this is how ... that helps,


Thank you Adam, this clarifies how to use the extractor... It was definitely tangential, but after having two frames collapse (because of spinning too fast too early) I used it as a radial one instead. It worked that way as well I have to say, but needed fixing the frames to the extractor axis to prevent them falling out of place.

And really nice website by the way.
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It was definitely tangential, but after having two frames collapse (because of spinning too fast too early)

Yes, you spin out half of one side, take the frames out and flip them round, spin out all the second side, then take them out and flip them again, and spin out the original side until it's empty. A lot of faff.

I use a radial as it's quicker, but the centrafugal forces are higher in a Tangential and so more honey is removed if it's slightly granulated.

Just to clarify the usages.

Tangential is needed for heather work, Radial for blossom.

Where can I find a thorough description of the extraction process? e.g. as PolyHive wrote which tecnique/machinery to use for which kind of honey, what's the best temperature and so on.

I've looked at the dedicated forum section, but that's not detailed enough for me to tell which book covers these topics.
Where can I find a thorough description of the extraction process? e.g. as PolyHive wrote which tecnique/machinery to use for which kind of honey, what's the best temperature and so on.

I've looked at the dedicated forum section, but that's not detailed enough for me to tell which book covers these topics.

Unless you are near OSR, or heather, I dont think there is any need for "special" extraction.

With OSR I think the idea is to extract as soon as you can, ie before it starts to crystallise.
I am happy to write one out but it really depends on how many colonies you have.

As I advised a member on here with 80 odd his requirements are considerably different as are his problems compared to the person with four supers to deal with.

If there is a demand from the forum for the info then it will be done.

I've just a colony, but my idea is to get more as I learn. My plan is to get two more colonies next year, and perhaps build an activity out of what is at the moment a hobby.

In this light I'm reading books and documents that people from the local BKA recommended, but couldn't find detailed extraction advice.

As regards to what kind of honey was crystallized, I don't know whether there are any OSR fields around here: I have difficulties covering large distances not having a car.

When I bought the colony in June the clear honey was already in place. Nectar collected around my house became dark, running honey.
Today the weather is pretty cold, so I'm not opening the hive, but within a week I'll open for feeding and perhaps take a picture.
Tangental -
Yes it is a tangential extracter , so you need to place your frames so that the top bar trails as the frame turns. Spin until about half is extracted then replave the frames so that the other side faces out, spin until that side is empty and then turn the frame again and spin until all the honey is extracted. You will have trouble if the honey has granulaed or if you have heather honey. Store your supers and do your extracting in a warm room as honey flows better when warm.

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