EU Rubbish

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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if this does not work i will do my best.

Is this the forum for this stuff now? I always thought we were in this for beekeeping topics - not international politics!!! Dammit it all, this ought to be stopped by the moderator surely as a pointless diversion away from what this forum is supposed to be about rather than a chatting shop on everything under the sun!!! This forum is becoming more pointless by the day - and maybe the hour. Which is just one of the reasons I waste less time visiting these days and maybe will opt out entirely soon. Good riddance some may say but unlike some nameless individuals I have a lot better things to do than read Budgies interminably trite and utterly pointless posts to gain posting credits of no value whatsoever for a beekeepers of little experience and only a single hive.
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This is the Off Topic section (Chat about anything and everything not connected to Bees and Beekeeping) regardless how you feel, there are plenty of 'pointless threads' in here.
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