Easiest Hive to make?

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Luckily Northern Bees had some commercial broods in there sale so I’ve ordered one of those now. Once it arrives I’ll post the measurements and hopefully might be of use to someone in the future!👍
They’re great pages I remember using them when I first started and Dave was running them himself. Unfortunately I can’t find any hive plans on there although there are commercial frame plans. I might end up just buying a commercial brood box and use that to copy off!

If you're having difficulty I would be content to provide you with a cutting list. My rates are very competitive.
I have made and used both langstroth and national hives. Ease of manufacturing goes to the langstroth by a long way. Ease of use also goes to the Langstroth, i Like the squareness of the national but it is trumped by the top bee space short lugs and the choice of two sizes of super (dadant).
Long lugs for me all day long, so deep National, 14 x 12 gave me back ache and found the deeper frame awkward.
Had a Comm set up early on liked the frame size but just couldn't hack the short lugs with my fingers.
Thanks everyone I’ve got a commercial brood on the way to me so that’ll give me a good template to work from👍