Do dead bees attract trouble?

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New Bee
Aug 31, 2010
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This is my first winter. As the temperature has risen, my girls are very active and clearing the dead. There must be 200+ in front of the hive. I've been amazed to see some strong bees carrying some of the dead up and away from the garden altogether. Should I give them a hand and clear the dead away from the front of the hive? Could they attract woodpeckers for example?
I sweep all the dead bees from around my hives as a matter course. Just good housekeeping IMO.
I've been amazed to see some strong bees carrying some of the dead up and away from the garden altogether.

think that bee is trying to tell you something

i sweep them up and put them on my bird table at home ( that's about 4 miles away from the hives) so reduce disease transfer

i try not to leave any bee product exposed in the apiary ( syrup containers, dead bees, wax scapings ) i
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You cannot sweep dead bees all the time. Nonsence. Dead bees are everywhere on ground and you cannot find them.

When bees carry much head bees out of entrance, I put compost over bodies.

In summer every day in every hive they will loose 1000 bees. Before dark you go and sweep them, really?

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I went round my hives yesterday removing the various mouseguards and using a thin stick (5mm) wide, swept the dead bees from each one. I also hefted my hives and those that seemed a little light, I added fondant to and then replaced the guards.

The problems with giving advice without a proper visit or knowledge of the beekeepers experience, hive type, location and bee type from beekeepers with varying degrees of experience, will be confusion. Advice should come with a warning label:

Ask three beekeepers advice and you may end up with five answers - stick to Hooper and learn the rest from your friends, association and your own observations. One day many years in the future you may become a competent beekeeper.
I try give the bees a bit of help by cleaning dead bees off the landing boards and making sure the entrance is clear. I also sweep bees off the concrete slab infront of each hive, otherwise it is down to nature. I agree that it is important to remove old wax etc
The birds see to the dead bees.
Two days ago I had a look at the hives in the morning and there were about 50 dead bees under one, one hour later they were all gone.

I went round my hives yesterday removing the various mouseguards and using a thin stick (5mm) wide, swept the dead bees from each one.

:) I tried that and they came out en masse to eat me. I had to run away at speed as I wasn't suited up. Never again!!!
My hives are 100 miles far away.
Now they are under snow.

If some bees flye out, great tits will eate them (that name is not my fault)

Every winter I have 10-20 tits on my cottage yard. I like tits :)


You cannot sweep dead bees all the time. Nonsence. Dead bees are everywhere on ground and you cannot find them.

When bees carry much head bees out of entrance, I put compost over bodies.

In summer every day in every hive they will loose 1000 bees. Before dark you go and sweep them, really?


The area around my hives is paved, I visit the hive most days since they are on my alottment, so yes, I sweep the area most days.
a hedgehog clears up under my hives in the summer, great tits do the job in the winter (that's not a nick-name for the OH, BTW)
No - that's blue tits - specially in the sub zero temps we've been having!!!
My hives are 100 miles far away.
Now they are under snow.

If some bees flye out, great tits will eate them (that name is not my fault)

Every winter I have 10-20 tits on my cottage yard. I like tits :)


Don't we all!;)