Disapearing Bees

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did I miss us getting CCD? I have seen plenty of poor beekeeping, poor weather, poor knowledge of Varroa and Nosema but never seen CCD here.
I didn't question your sincerity or belief. I said it was a little disingenuous QUOTE]

Sorry - i thought you were using the correct definition of the word disingenuous ie Not straightforward or candid; insincere or calculating.
did I miss us getting CCD? I have seen plenty of poor beekeeping, poor weather, poor knowledge of Varroa and Nosema but never seen CCD here.

Apparently it's not a discussion of beekeeping, but an opportunity to have a go at neonics... :rolleyes:

There is only one way to stop a conspiracy theorist and sadly it's illegal.

Possibly, but I would imagine loosing a few thousand chaps from biotechnical ipm is as nothing in real world effects compared to poor foraging leading up to, and during the larval stage of the drones.
Poor diet = low sperm counts

Are you a vegetarian???:biggrinjester:

There is only one way to stop a conspiracy theorist and sadly it's illegal.


Actually I think they have a right to say what they like, but also need to respect when others say "enough!". Others will draw conclusions as to the usefulness of their contributions.

If you feel that strongly, there's always the ignore list. They get to babble on, but you don't have to listen :)
Actually I think they have a right to say what they like, but also need to respect when others say "enough!". Others will draw conclusions as to the usefulness of their contributions.

If you feel that strongly, there's always the ignore list. They get to babble on, but you don't have to listen :)

Democracy at work ..... free speech until others say enough!..... I like it.:D
I didn't question your sincerity or belief. I said it was a little disingenuous QUOTE]

Sorry - i thought you were using the correct definition of the word disingenuous ie Not straightforward or candid; insincere or calculating.

The definition also encompasses 'unfair' which is the context in which I used the word.

Take a breath!

I think you've over-cooked this one a bit. At the outset on this thread I said I didn't believe the disappearing bees described by the OP were down to neonics nor do I believe it was CCD.

As for my scientific background then I don't have an axe to grind or any agenda per se. If you want someone to help with the science to provide an objective assessment then I'm more than happy to oblige. I appreciate I'm not perceived to be objective but that's because perceptions have been polarised so far that objectivity gets shouted down before it gets a fair hearing (or more accurately a fair listening to) - listening and hearing being two different things! :).
The definition also encompasses 'unfair' which is the context in which I used the word.

I did say corect definition - nothing mentions unfair in any dictionary I've checked 'not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does:' (collins)

So maybe I know more than I thought I did :D
I did say corect definition - nothing mentions unfair in any dictionary I've checked 'not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does:' (collins)

So maybe I know more than I thought I did :D

not worthy

I have 'unfair' in my Harper Collins and 'not straight forward' is another definition off the internet.

I concede however that it was a poor choice of word to use but with a name like Karol what else can you expect? :biggrinjester:
Hi Karol

The delayed effect of neonics is intriguing, but it has been shown in the "Harvard Study" that when given very small doses that showed no immediate effects, the affected colonies started to die 3 months after the end of the exposure to the toxin.

The Harvard Study -if anyone has read it - was regarded by many as a joke. (See Scientific Beekeeping). It concluded that if the bees don't die in field realistic doses then you up the dose and give them doses that far exceed that amount so the conclusion is that insecticides kill insects. From what I remember the aim of the study was to prove that neonics killed bees. They succeeded by overdose.

The footer here

"Every forum reader should know The Gentleperson’s Guide to Forum Spies !- I recommend you keep a list of suspect posters and the strategies they use". Says everything about the mindset of the poster. We must all be in the pay of Beyer and the other chemical manufacturers and we are all liars. And the more you explain the truth the more conspiracy theorists believe their own imagination.
Elvis was a space lizzard. Sadam Hussein was abducted by mutuant chimpanzees etc etc.
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The Harvard Study -if anyone has read it - was regarded by many as a joke. (See Scientific Beekeeping). It concluded that if the bees don't die in field realistic doses then you up the dose and give them doses that far exceed that amount so the conclusion is that insecticides kill insects. From what I remember the aim of the study was to prove that neonics killed bees. They succeeded by overdose.


Sadly some find the headlines appealing but fail to look at the method and assumptions. Doris isn't the only one.
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"Every forum reader should know The Gentleperson’s Guide to Forum Spies !- I recommend you keep a list of suspect posters and the strategies they use". Says everything about the mindset of the poster. We must all be in the pay of Beyer and the other chemical manufacturers and we are all liars. And the more you explain the truth the more conspiracy theorists believe their own imagination.
Elvis was a space lizzard. Sadam Hussein was abducted by mutuant chimpanzees etc etc.

What utter tosh!!

everyone knows that Saddam is alive and well and running a kebab shop in Upper Brynamman!!
I'll have you know that many of my family are renowned banjo players - it helps having six fingers on both hands (and two thumbs on the right) :D

I wouldn't presume to question your genetics Captain Brynmair Sir.:patriot:

T'was aimed at the occupants of the upper bunks:biggrinjester: