Cutout under Bathroom floor, Any advice?

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Well done indeed guys!, but when it comes to cavity wall insulation preventing bee's from making a home I'm not so certain! one 6 year old colony that I removed from a gable end of a thatched property had a cavity of nearly 10 inches filled with fiberglass insulation "originally" however the girlies removed 90% of it to create a huge home for themselves, all through one half inch dia hole, what a work ethic.
thanks for that BLD, that is brilliant to see, cheers Burren
Great to see them rescued, and all credit to you for taking up the challenge, and also to the home owners for accepting the potential damage to their propoerty in the interest of the bees. Too many people would have just seen them as a nuisance to be destroyed.
Got an e-mail from the home owners a few days later. Delighted with the job and surprised by the lack of mess. I think they watched some youtube clips on large cutouts in America and were worried half the house would need demolished.

The bees are doing well. Queen is laying well and they have drawn out wax to the edge of each of the cut out frames.
Great to see the partnership between the two of you, and super job, well done for stepping up to the challenge. You guys have promoted beekeeping brilliantly!
Sounds like the perfect blend of skills, experience and equipment - congrats gents