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Talk about tongue in cheek. Just been inspecting my colonies in this beautiful weather . Got to the last one , all tickety boo ! New Queen laying b.a.s. . 3 supers , cleaned off top bars , bees behaving lovely , lulled me into a day dream ( or a senior moment), re assembled supers and then spotted QX leaning on side of hive . Damn ,had to remove supers, replace QX and replace supers . I will now have to disturb them again in a couple of days to check for eggs in the super ( fast these new Queens :) )

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Felt such a chump!
I must be falling apart, I've kept bee for yonks and pull a stunt like that . Still, I have had to brand my clearing boards on the edge so a quick look before I leave the apiary ,reassures me that I haven't popped one on upside down .

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