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New Bee
Jul 11, 2010
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Anyone heard a cuckoo this year? If you have date and location please.
Yes, about a fortnight ago here in the Limousin :)
And saw a Hoopoe yesterday just by my terrace :) :)
Not yet...but I am waiting...will let you know, they are often here about now...
Anyone heard a cuckoo this year?

Have you made some cider? I hear that one should wait until they hear the first cuckoo before drinking it - so I am also interested to know (as I've never heard one). Don't think France counts though...


Have you made some cider? I hear that one should wait until they hear the first cuckoo before drinking it - so I am also interested to know (as I've never heard one). Don't think France counts though...



It counts if you're not French :p
Swallows arrived yesterday morning.
Nightingale singing in the woods yesterday evening bee-smillie
A few swallows for 10 days or so here in South Lakes.
I'm sure the rotten weather down south is keeping them back somewhat.
I heard a cuckoo on Kentmere mid April last year but then the weather was much better.
Hubby running Keswick to Barrow race May 12. Says he usually hears cuckoo around Keswick then......I suggested that as he is at the start of a 40 mile race it might be in his head!

When the swifts come I know summer is nearly here.
Swallow seen last week and the cider and perry have been sampled. Not too bad if I say it myself.:cheers2:
Heard a cuckoo yesterday in Lymington Hampshire during a sunny spell at 10am :)
No cuckoo yet ,swallows arrived last sunday though,will keep you posted .
Fox taking my birds in the middle of the day ,any suggestions don,t have a gun ,but really cheeky am going to improve fence today ,fingers crossed it works.Any good old trappers have any methods .
Most seem oblivious to the cuckoo poem which goes:
The cuckoo comes in April,

April was too early but since the climate has changed things have got a bit earlier. This year I am surprised there are any before May.

I suppose Lymington is far enough south to be an exception - but the general will hold true at least, this year I would think.

There is time yet for cuckoos. The 5 the BTO are tracking are spread between West Africa Italy and northern France today.
Heard a cuckoo yesterday in Lymington Hampshire during a sunny spell at 10am :)

Heard 2 at once today- near Brockenhurst (about 5 miles north of Lymington, for the uninitiated!)

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