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who cares - the whole manooki thing is a rip-off anyway, and even the rip off manooki comes from NZ in the first place

+1 ... Jolly clever marketing and lots of people ready to jump on the bandwagon .. but I'm ahead of them ... I'm going to be marketing PURE LEY LINED HONEY ... guaranteed to cure ALL ills and some you've never heard of ... I shall be inventing them ... in order to cure them .. Constipomyelitis (short sitedly looking up your own orifice) is my first addition to the medical dictionary !.

So ... £50 a lb and I reckon, Rodney, we'll be MILLIONAIRES in no time ...

Of course .... I'll need a couple of celebrities to endorse it ... Suggestions welcome ...
my daughter has a few celebrity friends but i'v got that market :sifone:, perhaps you should re think your label and add Celebrity Honey
I suspect that there is something beneficial in all honeys so I personally diubt that Manuka is all that miraculous.

Strikes me simply as protectionism.

If everyone complained to Trading Standards that they think they have been ripped off by someone diluting this stuff (quote manufactured and marketed tonnages), they would likely take hold of the 'diluters' (not difficult if diluted with 'wrong'pollen') and make a lot of money for their trouble.

While everyone accepts the rip-off, nothing will be done about it. I'm not a customer of anything manooka orientated and neither are most on the fourum, I would suggest, so they continue to get away with the scam of selling diluted honey, either by fraud or covering themselves in the smaller print. The latter would be easy for pulling the wool over the eyes of most purchasers, I would think.

no income tax, no VAT, no money back, no guarantee
Tregothan the garden center and fun park, according to BBC Radio Cornwall have a manicuroona bush and their bees love it apparently, I dare say the bees are the imported variety, as no normal honeybee would go near the stinky tree!

NZ exporters demand crackdown after magazine suggests retailers raking it in selling bogus manuka.
Scarlett Johansson swears by manuka honey. Photo

Look what it did to the poor starlets lips!

Tregothan the garden center and fun park, according to BBC Radio Cornwall have a manicuroona bush and their bees love it apparently, I dare say the bees are the imported variety, as no normal honeybee would go near the stinky tree!


Is that the place on Hive Alive selling small 4oz?? jars of Cornish manooki at £50 a pop?
Given the area you would need to produce quantity, "quality" and not diluted by other flora, I well ????

This has been known for some time, we quote it whenever someone extolls the virtues of manookitrickery at events. Doesn't seem to make any difference to them though?? It's probably hard for them to admit they've been royally screwed!
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Read a report recently , gotta search to find it, Scottish heather honey analysed vs Manuka, heather honey as good, and maybe better ( need to locate report ) but deffo was at least it's equal !
Read a report recently , gotta search to find it, Scottish heather honey analysed vs Manuka, heather honey as good, and maybe better ( need to locate report ) but deffo was at least it's equal !

It was honey from Portobello if I recall rightly, my mother was talking to Dr Arwyn Jones (the new head of the barcode Wales project - looking at honey with healing properties) and they have traced honeys in Wales which are better than manookie
I was in a supermarket recently and saw a jar advertised as 'Manuka Active'. On closer inspection it was Manuka at level 5, which I believe is the lowest, (50%) and other honey (50%).

Seems to be a pretty raw deal
Oi, my closest village is Portobello (near Dunedin, New Zealand).

What I love is the argument about other honey being "better" than moonooka, when its all hooey unless aimed at skin application such as chronic ulcers. And most honeys have a good effect on these.
And the most recent rules from Min of Primary Industry is that no health claims may be made unless proven. To be enforced some time ...
Oi, my closest village is Portobello (near Dunedin, New Zealand).

What I love is the argument about other honey being "better" than moonooka, when its all hooey unless aimed at skin application such as chronic ulcers. And most honeys have a good effect on these.
And the most recent rules from Min of Primary Industry is that no health claims may be made unless proven. To be enforced some time ...

The real Portobello - Scotland. I agree with the post though - for treating suppurating sores not eating. Ours is good for both :D
Bore da.
Yes, moonooka often tastes 'orrible, I am still amazed how much people will pay.
Bore da.
Yes, moonooka often tastes 'orrible, I am still amazed how much people will pay.

There are suckers born every minute ( or are they made?)

Thanks goodness.

(Politicians depend on them - there are millions of them...)

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