Ok, so I had a plan and then half ignored it!! My plan was to check the "incipient queen cell" on day 3, and if it was progressing, I would carry out a Snelgrove 2, my new choice of reactive swarm control.
So, I open up, find the queen. move her and parent to new location. Put new box with foundation in old location. Move 2 frames of eggs into middle of AS on old location (checking there were no QC's on these frames), and close both up.
What I stupidly forgot to do was actually check the incipient queen cell for further development. So I may actually have reactively swarm controlled a hive that didn't need it!! Will I ever get the hang of this?
Do you think they will be ok? The hive was fairly congested on Friday, although I did add a super. There were lots of play cups too so I am taking consolation in thinking that it was just a matter of time!!