Confused about a queen!

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New Bee
Jun 22, 2014
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Hi, I am new on this forum and new to beekeeping. I have two hives, both with marked red queens in them. My initial colony has been with me since Easter, is built up brilliantly, has pretty well filled one super (second added last week) and there is lots of active brood with about 4 combs of brood, all but one showing a nice laying pattern. There are two full frames of stores and lots of other bits in my 14/12 brood box. From what I have read and learnt this seems all promising stuff, so how seriously should I take the queen cells containing brood I keep finding? 1 week ago I found an uncapped cell with a big grub in it but unfortunately didn't have enough kit to set up another brood box and had to go on a conference all week. I got back Friday evening, expecting the worst and ready to do a fake swarm but found the queen cell I had seen then had been taken down and now there were two others. Still queenie seems to be laying like stink. Any thoughts? Ideas very gratefully received!
Where exactly are the queen cells? If on the centre of a frame it could be supersedure.
Tom, thanks for getting in touch. Towards the bottom of the frame on each occasion.