. Like midlanbeek says the phenomenom may be simply that the warm moist hive air meets the cold tray and then condensation happens. It is like respiration air condences onto car window.
This happens in the middle of the summer when night is cool.
You may make windows clean with ventilation or adding the heat inside the car.
The balance between heat and ventilation is a solution, not either or.
The treatment is not add ventilation but lead the condensed water away from hive.
If you add ventilation, it makes harm to brood. Bees must work harder to keep the hive warm.
The colder the hive the more condensation happens inside the hive.
When the box is warm, the warm hive air's dew point is outside the hive or on very cold surface.
.the difference between two air mass makes the condensation.
36 c respiraton air and 10c outer air.