cleaning secondhand equipment

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House Bee
Jul 20, 2010
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SE london
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hi all

got my hands on a few bits of secondhand brood boxs eney segestions one how to clean them

and what off old frames and wax worth keeping?

Wash and scrub it all in a soda crystal/water solution... Make sure you dry it well. I would take apat the frames and then re-foundation them.

Ben P
I Just burned 36 frames and wax today (not worth the possible disease issues)
brood boxes were scraped and then given a go over inside with a blow-lamp
Blow lamp works for me too.

(Not QE. its destroys them)
thanks again all is there eney good uses for old bees wax
Blowlamp works for me too, I do mine till the propolis boils and use a shavehook to scrape with. I also make sure the wood is coloured all over with the blowlamp and then rub over any charring with the sander.
if it is fairly cleanish you can always strip all the old wax out of the frames and boil it up in a outside area the wax will float of the top when its melted,

but you never want to use old wax from an unknown source in your own hives as its asking for trouble

we use old wax that has been stripped out for the wife to make candles with and as for the rest the blow torch and soda crystals is best
soda and fire it is lol should keep me busy today

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