Christmas Countdown begins

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International Beekeeper of Mystery
BeeKeeping Supporter
Mar 30, 2011
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Too many - but not nearly enough
Coal carted up to the Old Bethel, fire lit yesterday morning and still going strong for the early morning service Christmas day as it has done over the last four centuries.


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Very nice JBM. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your parish

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Happy Christmas to you all .. love the fire ... have you got a secret store of proper welsh steam coal or are you having to import ?

Our 'Christmas day' was yesterday as all the family were here and most have now dispersed as it's the inlaws 'turn' for Christmas day so we are having another 'smaller' Christmas day tomorrow with a small free range turkey from a local farm ...

Quieter but it's Christmas again ...
have you got a secret store of proper welsh steam coal ?

Steam coal!! wouldn't burn that soft smelly Northern rubbish in any house!! This is the South West Wales coalfield (what's left of it) pure clean burning anthracite - hard coal dug out of the ground by even harder men :D
And still sourced locally if you know where to look!!
Steam coal!! wouldn't burn that soft smelly Northern rubbish in any house!! This is the South West Wales coalfield (what's left of it) pure clean burning anthracite - hard coal dug out of the ground by even harder men :D
And still sourced locally if you know where to look!!

We still have some salvaged from a coal boat in a secrete location somewhere off of Looe.... been in Davy Jone's locker for over a century and burns brightly with a wonderful green flame... have enough for a few more Yule fires yet!

Nadelik lowen!
Same to you

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And from me ... I reckon JBM's got a shaft down to a seam of his Welsh best at the bottom of his garden !! Although ... there's a few good seams of proper coal under God's own county ... Manvers Main Colliery used to be the favoured home coal in my neck of the woods as a kid ... Miners in those days uses to get a coal ration (free) of far more than they could ever use and they all used to sell it on ...
There's one vein that runs West to East at the opposite side of the valley - called the peacock. The coal is amazing - looks like a lump of glass and doesn't get you dirty at all. what remains is pretty deep down now, but the old boys would advise not to use it 'neat' on the fire but to mix it with lesser quality coal as it burns so hot it will actually burn away the bars of your grate!!
And from me ... I reckon JBM's got a shaft down to a seam of his Welsh best at the bottom of his garden !! Although ... there's a few good seams of proper coal under God's own county ... Manvers Main Colliery used to be the favoured home coal in my neck of the woods as a kid ... Miners in those days uses to get a coal ration (free) of far more than they could ever use and they all used to sell it on ...

When the Howden Glucose Refinery was open we sourced coal for the boilers from Hickleton or Brodsworth. Hickleton burnt cleaner of the two. Wouldn't burn on an open fire so we didn't have a pilfering problem.
When the Howden Glucose Refinery was open we sourced coal for the boilers from Hickleton or Brodsworth. Hickleton burnt cleaner of the two. Wouldn't burn on an open fire so we didn't have a pilfering problem.

One of my schoolfriends lived in Thurnscoe and his father worked down Hickleton Main - Mind you - places like Thurnscoe and nearby Goldthorpe were real mining communities - reliant on the Pit either directly or indirectly. Little sign of the mines left now and millions spent on renewal projects.

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