Cheap security camera anyone?

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I've got an HD internet 4g camera on the allotment. solar powered battery in it with 60 days rolling charge.
it tracks bodies and turns on illumination when alarmed to give full colour. SD card in it and alarms on the phone. you can talk through it and if needed turn on the siren which is enough to wake the dead !
Reason? there's some scumbags that come around between Xmas and new year every year (or at least the last three years) and raid the sheds of just about anything saleable! This year I had an old rubbish generator and air rifle nicked and a box of pipe fittings.
I had 3 trail cams up but the image was crap.
They even used my wheelbarrow to take the genny to their van! (too far away for the number but could see it in the distance)
My camera cost £80 from aliex and the data costs £5 month from Smarty.
I don't even mind watching the local furball hunting the rats at 1am. (she's a Norwegian forest cat and is big enough to set off the camera but it's not triggered by leaves blowing around unlike the trail cams)
Was the footage any use in getting them nicked?
Easy way around a camera system as any scumbag will tell you, is to ignore it .

Hood over the baseball cap ( and even a COVID mask if you want) and you're indistingishable from any other benefits cheat and free to go to the next opportunity.
Police are either too busy dealing with violent scum or being taken to tribunals for doing so.
I have a worn down cricket bat for when I am attacked by intruders I have a fear of burglars and intruders as I assume they are on my premises to steal or vandalise.. You might even state I have a mental illness such is my fear and loathing for such people.
Himalayan brambles and barbed wire at present seem to act as a deterrent, but as a light sleeper, I can be genuinely paranoid about odd noises and intruders.
just checked my orders and that model is discontinued, but,, Temu have them, search for ,, 4g dual lens zoom solar battery camera, there's a selection there around 40-£70

Smarty is best for Data sim, I'm using about 4gb a month