No confusion here I live in a house, with doors, windows, chimney, air vents. My chimney leads down to the lounge and I suspect a lot of heat goes up there as evidenced by the heat or smoke leaving the chimney.
Chimneys are at a low point in the house and only allow air to pass through a tube. So none of the warm air in the rest of the house is affected.
Even with no fire they draw air from the room upwards by simple physics.
ie - it becomes waterlogged
So that's why it was so bloody hot in the fire training........heat rises...
Well well.
Threads like this with experienced beekeepers struggling with simple physics make this beginner feel pretty good about his chances of keeping bees alive, keep it up!
Threads like this with experienced beekeepers struggling with simple physics make this beginner feel pretty good about his chances of keeping bees alive, keep it up!
A house and a hive still have to obey the same physics. There is no special exemption for honeybees.It's nothing to do with struggling over basic physics, a house is not a hive, that's all I'm saying.
If your colonies are healthy and well provisioned, they will do fine in the hives on offer, as they come.
I have colonies in a few configurations from cedar with no insulation to full poly but all holes are covered. The bees are happy in any of them.
Where I can see that some insulation is common sense, I'm concerned about novice beeks in a panic because they think they need to encase their hives in order for the bees to survive.
, a house is not a hive, that's all I'm saying.
A house and a hive still have to obey the same physics. There is no special exemption for honeybees.
Where I can see that some insulation is common sense, I'm concerned about novice beeks in a panic because they think they need to encase their hives in order for the bees to survive.
i am into my third winter now and everything seems to be running smoothly.
So if you have a degree in Physics you are laughing.. ??? .
I'm bobbins with science/physics/Math/English and a whole load of other things, However a bit of common sense has got me through life in a not so bad way i hope and this beekeeping hobby is no different unless you try to complicate things that do not need complicating, i am into my third winter now and everything seems to be running smoothly.
So if you have a degree in Physics you are laughing.. ??? .
Again thanks all who replied and were so helpful.
I think everything positive has been concluded, is there a way to close a thread?