Can't contact Beesy Frames

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Field Bee
Jul 26, 2014
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Horsham UK
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Was five now four. Grrrrr
Sent money for an order a few emails to Beesy Frames and no reply

Anyone got a way of contacting them?
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From the Essex swarm list .

Any use ?
You could try the address on the website? Might even be a phone number attributed to that name and address in BT phone lists?
Telephone number given above worked - thanks.

It's not on the website and letters are sooooo yesterday. :)

Just heard Ricahrds PC is in for repair and order on its way so all good.

Thanks again for the contact number.
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Just need to find an alternate for the mdf and I'm fully plasticised.
It's not on the website and letters are sooooo yesterday. :)

Look again on the website. It IS there! Soo easy to find it. Took me a minute or so. Personally, I would not deal with any website unless there is a hard addy to be found somewhere.

Little wonder people get scammed, if they send money to any old website which could be erased in a flash. Not saying this one is one of those (clearly this one DOES have an addy), but the principal applies.
Yes I can see the address but not a phone number.

I found numerous links to the company and checked the address before committing money but these days we expect emails to be answered in minutes rather than days.

I apologised to Richard for being hasty in chasing him up after two emails were unanswered and he apologise because his PC was corrupted and in for repair.

No problems about ordering from this company.

I agree, no address, no order from me.

You need a name to look up a phone number.
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Thanks, HM. Says it all. 'Soooo much today' to post on a forum rather than search oneself!

I wonder if the product will be sent by email? - but shirley not by post! That would be soooo......
OK OK. I was wrong and I apologised.

What do you want, a bloody hair shirt? How long for? A year? Two?
Personally, I would not deal with any website unless there is a hard addy to be found somewhere.

Little wonder people get scammed, if they send money to any old website which could be erased in a flash. Not saying this one is one of those (clearly this one DOES have an addy), but the principal applies.

If spending for the first time I go a few steps further, and do a Google Streetview of the address, and then possibly checks on Companies House, phone directories, does the phone area code match the postal address?, or a URL WHOIS where the contact details should correlate.
A few times I've found accommodation addresses, or other reasons why I wouldn't trust an unknown website (especially one like this on a free hosting blogsite without a business URL).
Not so here where it's obviously a small business sole trader working from home. (and such a niche product that it's less likely to be a scam)

11 St James Park, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 2JG

Yes, the address can eventually be found on the website but he'd do himself some favours if it was also on the contact page.
Got that order from Beesy Frames, thanks Richard Alabone.

Just put together ten frames with foundation in less than ten minutes with just a stapler and on the kitchen table, so do hope the girls like them.

One small suggestion for anyone else using them, before you start, put a drop of cyano on the end and in the groove of the bottom bars to reinforce the end location tabs.
So no faster than proper wood frames which will last a lot longer. I have some shallow frames (the comb has never had brood in only honey) that are over 30 yrs old and still perfectly serviceable and only slightly darker than more recent ones
One minute per frame is way better than I can do with nails and a hammer. :-0

My intention was to test them out with the MDF and if Ok and when it needs replacing use timber.

The minimal contact areas for propolising attracted me. as did the price.

The plastic ends will likely last for ever and I don't see whay they can't be boiled when necessary?

I realise such things are sacrilegious to some but I am still happy to experiment.

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