can you hellp with bate hive

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Andre cardona

House Bee
Jun 2, 2010
Reaction score
mid Bedfordshire
Hive Type
Number of Hives
I've set up a bait hive now, can someone help me with advice please? Is it best to rub wax over both in and out or spray with honey? What has worked for you all?

Try a few drops of lemon grass oil inside the hive as well.
if setting up a bait hive how many frames of ald brood and foundation would you put in? and would you put empty frames in aswell
no not brood just the old brood comb.

i use a commercial brood box, so if i put 1 frame of old brood comb. do i then fill it with 11 frames of foundation or do i just put the old brood and a few foundation or something else?
Most effective IMO is a couple of old drawn frames and the rest filled out with foundation. Otherwise they'll build brace comb everywhere.

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