I note the silly season has started early this year.
I note the silly season has started early this year.
Thank heavens
It's funny that you should say that as my patent swarm predicting hand turned ring complete with natural hemp suspension cord has just become available .. with secondary smaller ring for establishing if the colony is queenright. No need for inspections, simply hold the ring over the hive and follow the instructions ..
Yours for a very modest price of £10 including free UK Post and Packing.
One worries that as this is the beginners section that some might not realise and believe the tomfoolery.. We have already had (on another thread) someone ask how thick the banana slices needed to be to get rid of chalk brood based on similar tomfoolery.
I think I will plump for one of these...
eBay item number:
Once when buying a new dress for my 1st wife, the assistant politely asked if she was a medium... no I replied she is a witch!!
Chons da
That's fine Cheers, but you forgot to mention that it's only any good on a neap tide when the wind is from the East ....Try a piece of flexible tube around a yard long and two inches diameter... open at both ends.
Tune to note A when whirled around.
Possibly in the realms of the paranormal... standing on the intersection of leylines may help.
On the day before a full moon when Sirius is rising in the East and Jupiter is being eclipsed by Mars......
well it works for me!
Chons da
One worries that as this is the beginners section that some might not realise and believe the tomfoolery.. We have already had (on another thread) someone ask how thick the banana slices needed to be to get rid of chalk brood based on similar tomfoolery.
I think you need to credit beginners with a little more common sense and sense of humour.
It's surprising what a poor memory you have of those threads ... yes the sun hive was discussed but I never saw anyone suggesting they needed any assistance from crystals or other accoutrements...
The sun hive in question did have crystals but Heidi informed us that they are merely used to block up holes, and they were used because they were handy. I know I always have a few crystals handy, you never know when you might need them. RIP duct tape
. I have some excellent crystals that are for sale ... specially selected and now available, naturally occurring and completely organic.
Been de-coking your kidneys again?
Don't tell everyone.. I could get rich on the strength of this thread ...
Got plentiful supplies of the shiniest jet black crystals here - I can give you a good cost price for a bulk purchase
Perhaps you'd best hang on to them ... you might need it when the French cut off our electricity supply on 31st October !!