Bruising stores

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New Bee
Apr 29, 2010
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I have 3 colonys on 14x12 all with 7 or more frames of brood, the other frames are near enough full with stores. I understand the removing stores and replacing with foundation point, however if I were to super with undrawn foundation and bruise the majority of the stores will this stimulate drawing of comb in the super. i.e will thay make space for the queen to lay themselves.

I lack drawn super foundation and appreciate that the queen is fast running out of space to lay, added to this OSR just starting to flower over the hedge!

The hive needs those 3 frame of stores for bad days even in Summer.

You have no hurry to get honey and give a super. You just help the hive build up. When the hive has 4 boxes of bees, it is really capable to forage surpluss honey.

More important than get early super, is to build up the hive and avoid swarming.

On these weathers, give a another box under the brood. If brood frames have arches of food too, take those 3 frames into the foundation box and into the centre. Then 3 foundations into upper box.

Bees start to clean those 3 store frames for brood and start to draw new combs.

That is one secret of douple brood box. You may recycle the old winter food frames easily.
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