British Weather - or should I say frost this morning?

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It's not got much skiing in it, but I've got a very nice picture of the C N Tower in Toronto ......

..... and the weather is nice .......

anybody wanna see it ? .....
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bet you it's worth a look, ..........

go on, ...... last chance to say yes ? ........
, Tamworth is my closest, followed by Milton Keynes

Yes, I am in Kidderminster so Tamworth is only 40 mins away - but its like skiing on ice!

The proper snow is great!

but its like skiing on ice!

I learnt to ski on a plastic slope on the side of a slag heap just outside Ilkeston..........more years ago than I care to think about. In the summer they sprayed water on it to make it slippy, on a hot day it would dry out pretty quickly and halfway down you would just stop dead. Tamworth when it first opened was such an imrovement, I remember them suffering from terrible condensation problems and there would be balls of ice where the condensation dripped onto the slope, I went over on one when I was learning to snowboard. Ouch!

Haven't been there for two years so we'll see............

Oh this talk of skiing is making me impatient not to mention jealous of frisbee (of to a snow slope) and gunman (being in a country that actually gets snow). Still 3 months to the day I'm in a big silver bird for my hols. :ack2:

Oh weather here seems to have started cooling during the day, but nobodies told the little ladies as yet. They are still foraging and bringing in loads of pollen.

Gunman? Finman, it appears that your bee keeper/special agent cover has been blown. :)
Freudian slip perhaps ribblesbees? I thought it funny anyway. :) :)
Gunman? Finman, it appears that your bee keeper/special agent cover has been blown. :)
Freudian slip perhaps ribblesbees? I thought it funny anyway. :) :)

Ah that's what comes of accessing the forum and replying on my phone. So yes it was a slip but I blame the predictive text as it is too clever for it's good. Sorry Fin man.

Luckuly i do not understand what you are saying.


Luckily most of the time we do understand you....................

No skiing this Spring :( - but cruising off to the the Arctic- looking for those Northern Lights :hurray: and shall keep going back till I see them!
- but cruising off to the the Arctic- looking for those Northern Lights :hurray:

Fab..........haven't seen them myself & would love to, I keep planning a ski trip to the right places but it fails to materialize :confused:

Cue now for Finman to come on and say he sees them every night :toetap05: :rofl: :rofl:

In south finland they are very rare.
i have seen then perhaps 2 times.
Because of city lights i do not see even
On country side i can see the milky way and fast flying satellites.
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Finman, if you send a text message on a mobile phone, you just press the keys and the phone decides which of the 3 letters on the key you wanted to choose.

So if you type 'f i n m a n' the phone writes 'g u n m a n' because it does not already know the word 'finman' but it does know 'gunman'.

Finman, if you send a text message on a mobile phone, you just press the keys and the phone decides which of the 3 letters on the key you wanted to choose.

So if you type 'f i n m a n' the phone writes 'g u n m a n' because it does not already know the word 'finman' but it does know 'gunman'.


You're just trying to change the subject so I don't talk about your small protruderence.............

oooopps sorry wrong thread..........

You're just trying to change the subject so I don't talk about your small protruderence.............

oooopps sorry wrong thread..........


You probably mean protuberance, and you're confusing me with 'Gunman'

Dictionary Definition : "Noun 1. protuberance - something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings; "the gun in his pocket made an obvious bulge";
