bringing on a queen

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New Bee
Mar 26, 2016
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Dumbartonshire, scotland
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when is it to late in the year to bring on a new queen a frame of eggs and to a queenless colony/nuc box and letting them make there own queen,,would she still get mated at this time of year ?,just curious
I am well south of you and already my colonies are starting to eject the drones. No drones= no mating= no fertile queen.
Others experience may well differ
To rear own queen is almost a month long process.

Just buy a queen. It takes couple days.
In our neck of the woods Danny then I would say early August. After that the drones are dodgy.

Yes I have a hive thats just been superceding seeing how the weather has been it may be a case of merging them with another hive.I can always split them again next year.
Worth seeing if you have drones in your other hives....if so still a chance for a mating.....
Hives in my garden are still rearing drones or should I say the last few are about to emerge.
My hives on the heather have ejected them all and were dragging them out the other day. Flow over up there.
I remember going to talk, by Roger Patterson and Wally shaw and both of them were quite certain that any queen mated after the end of June was substandard due to the quality of drones; in their opinion, not mine.
I don't quite understand how supersedure queens survive in that case
when is it to late in the year to bring on a new queen a frame of eggs and to a queenless colony/nuc box and letting them make there own queen,,would she still get mated at this time of year ?,just curious

Just done my pre-winter check that all colonies are Q+. Only checked a few frames in each colony but noticed several patached of capped drone cells along side frames of solid worker brood. So I shoulod still have mating quality drones around for several weeks.
I only have my first small colony in a 5 frame nuc and haven't seen a drone now for about 3 weeks since I was watching them being kicked out.
Quick look 2 weeks ago when I put 1st dose of Apiguard in and 2nd dose today no drones or drone cells. Still plenty of BIAS.
So according to RP and mates all the queens I had supercede and mate on the heather were figments of my imagination. A good 40+ each season for ten years????

Utter piffle that line of thinking... RP's that is.

When you run clipped and marked queens the sups are pretty easy to spot in Spring.... LOL

Still plenty of drones but its not good weather for a new queen to get mated.Been p**sing down today and quite windy and cold.Hopefully an indian summer could be just around the corner, we can but hope!
In our neck of the woods Danny then I would say early August. After that the drones are dodgy.


Is it the decline in numbers or their genetic contribution that is dodgy. Have two apedias with Virgins on board going into 2nd week - not hopeful as I see drones being expelled - few hives have some still. Imagine the DCA is somewhat lonely and with arthritic drones.
Decline in numbers but I think your climate is softer so yours may still be there in enough numbers.

I remember going to talk, by Roger Patterson and Wally shaw and both of them were quite certain that any queen mated after the end of June was substandard due to the quality of drones;

That's over 50% of my nucs written off then