Do your setting up maneuvers in the late afternoon.
You will need two travel screens, particularly if you are using pollys or solid floors.
Place a floor next to colony and place supers onto this with a travel screen on top, strap well together, and place a quilt over the screen to shade.
Similarly with the brood box on its original stand.
Have a piece of foam made up ready to block entrances + some wide duct tape and a water mist spray.
When all the bees have gone to roost... could be as late as 8 to 9 PM... here in sub tropical Tamar Valley... may be earlier in the frozen norf..... quietly press in foam rubber, and tape into place.
Make sure all gaps are covered with tape, and straps... at least two are secure!
Bees can now be locked in for a day or so... but mist the travel screen with clean warm water occasionally, and before covering over again for the move.
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