best place to buy mated queens

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I guess within this country local. I got my first Carniolan queen from Paynes....she has been fab. The bees are quiet on the smoke required. Queen lays well and they make honey. I have bred some daughters.....and they are filling up the hives with brood. Recently I have some from B+....which are equally nice to handle. Oh yes I also have one Buckfast from Paynes.....but although OK...still not as nice as the Carniolans. Although they are beautiful in their gingeryness.
Michael Collier at Cornbrook Bee Farm, Nash, Ludlow, SY8 3AV (Google) or tel: 01584-890236. I have bought mated and virgins from him at very good prices. He is an expert at breeding and runs course on instrumental insemination, here with the Beeman and in America so knows a thing or three.
I think the important bit is if you have to buy queens it should be a uk breeder before any consideration to buy from abroad. Direct from the breeder is the best way to go but if you buy from a supplier question where their queens come from and who breeds them. Buying from a UK breeder generally means the queens will be available later in the year unless you get your name down now for an overwintered queen for early next year. But getting a queen at this time of year means you are building up that hive to overwinter and start the next year with a flyer. You obviously have a risk you lose the colony overwinter but an overwintered colony will knock the spots off a newly introduced new queen.
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I wanted to buy a couple of dozen queens earlier in the year, but was let down by the supplier.

I have not tried Hivemaker yet. (didn't realise he sold queens!)
Another vote for Hivemaker!

I'm biased because I'm not far away. However, they're reared carefully and sold only once proven mated (unlike many of the imported queens), and Pete is so incredibly helpful. He's provided me with sage advice, and also will advise against buying a queen if he thinks introduction will fail.

This time of year he's incredibly busy, but will still try best to help!

Friend of mine has also used Ged Marshall (British honey producers) who is also supposed to be excellent. Think they're in Bucks.
I wanted to buy a couple of dozen queens earlier in the year, but was let down by the supplier.

I have not tried Hivemaker yet. (didn't realise he sold queens!)

Peter Little. Exmoor bees. Wonderful true Buckfasts and I think uses the original mating stations but others can correct that. Whoever mentioned forum advertising; this isn't.
Killed her predecessor on the same day you found your new queen dying on the floor of the hive? Did you not use the introduction cage?

There is always a risk of queen introduction especially with us less experienced beekeepers :)
yes I had prepared the hivemaker queen over a period of a week in a nuc. When she was egg laying I found and killed evil queen. Left hive queenless for over an hour. Then did newspaper join of nuc and queen to big hive. She laid eggs in the new big hive but ten days later she was found doing the dying fly. :(
My best colonies are headed by Exmoor Buckfast queens. They are from a similar area to where I live.

My best colonies are headed by queens bred in Cardigan near Cenarth - they are from a similar area to where I live, albeit the salmon runs are earlier, they have lead mines not coal and the people are just a wee bit tighter with their money :D
My best colonies are headed by queens bred in Cardigan near Cenarth - they are from a similar area to where I live, albeit the salmon runs are earlier, they have lead mines not coal and the people are just a wee bit tighter with their money :D

Yes judging from your last what did I do in the apiary report you seem to have great success with some of your queens . Perhaps you can sell me one next year 😀
My best colonies are headed by Exmoor Buckfast queens. They are from a similar area to where I live. I agree with Tom. What is local?

My best colonies are headed by Danish and German imports. which are from areas very different to where I live. Although they seem to like it over here, as do their daughters.
I'm starting to get used to carrying a small step ladder around with me to get the top boxes off without breaking my neck. Just can't find a unreserved deckchair......
My garden being untenable at the moment following inspection time, Pete might be getting a call soon (his Q heads only one of my three production colonies and I just had to put on their sixth deep super of the season). However I hope I decapitated the mother of the culprits a few weeks ago so patience in all things. I think one of their sisters just died; she completely had my number the second I approached the apiary. One bee, but that's all it takes.:owned:
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