Curly green fingers
Some of you on here recommended the beekeepers field guide by nick cramp. I've bought it for christmas . I look forward to having a read.
If you buy one book then it's plane sailing, just follow the book so to speak, but with two books you start getting conflicting beekeepers, by three books it all starts getting very messy, four any you're done for good.
If you don't want too much scientific facts and figures and just want to know how to become a beekeeper then go for Haynes and Ted Hooper as they are pretty much on par
Beginners should steer well clear of this forum then
Agreed - it was a tongue in check response to Millet. The same is true with books - read as much as you can and then think for yourself is my strategy.
On the other hand, you could read a few books and become an instant expert. Plenty of those about.