this has been my wish last 45 years. Sometimes I may taste it and mostly not.
If you have 10 or 20 hives, it is impossible to keep you yard as you wish. They just mate with neighbours.
Good temperature is easy to select. You have spare queens and then you kill every queen which shows your sting too much.
Non swarming feature is difficult to find out. At least it is too late. If you keep swarmed queens, it is 100% sure that it continuesin your yard. And it is natural habit. Difficult to get off when neighbour hives surrounds your yard.
.a third feature what I look after now is hybrid influence. Too much breeded bees loose their vigour. I can see it only when I bye new queens and compare them to my recent colonies.
It had happened too many times.
.but when you bye "good queens", the is no quarantee what they are.
But this all makes beekeeping interesting after 50 years. If bees had been easy like chicken, i would have stopped this 40 y ago.