Thanks Finman - that explains a lot. I started beekeeping this summer with a swarm at the beginning of June. All the equipment was new and of course there was new foundation in the 14x12 frames. The colony built up well, drew all of the comb but produced no honey. I was disappointed because a lady 10 miles away who started within a week of me had honey this year but she had bought a nuc, presumably with drawn comb.
I put a super on in middle July but although some bees could be seen moving around in the super, they did not draw the foundation. I guess the main flow had finished and there was not enough spare nectar around to convert to wax in order to draw out the comb.
The Alberta research suggests that any amount of wax production in a hive will affect honey production and I suppose that should be blindingly obvious but until I saw the figures from Finman's quoted research, I had not realised the extent of honey loss when working with foundation.