Bees under the veil!

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You poor thing? Bad doing to get, hope your ok?
Think we all learn lessons at some stage, which makes us conscious of checking more carefully before going near the bees.
Had a similar thing happen to me, and I had doubly checked that zips and everything were secure. Middle of manipulation, I see the back of a bee inside my veil, she was walking up the veil on the inside. OMG, my heart nearly stopped, it's an awful feeling to be trapped in a small place like a veil with a bee.
I thought if I panic here, my face will be stung, so just walked slowly away from the hive, unzipped hood and flipped it up. Wasn't the better of it for a while after, but didn't get stung thankfully.
Knew she couldn't have got in through zip as double checked prior to going near the hive. I discovered the tiniest little slit in my veil, had to put duct tape over it,before going back to finish up what I was doing.
Now I not only double check zip area,but whole veil and all seams too.
Horrible experience, and one that i wouldn't like anyone else to experience.
Hope you'll be alright & don't let one bad experience put you off, or take your confidence away. Bees can have bad days too, and just be off form.
Look after yourself & hope you heal up soon.

Love Beekeeping <3
My first time

My very first visit to a live bee-hive was going well, my mentor opened things up and was patiently pointing out brood, stores etc to me when suddenly he dropped his hive tool and sprinted about a hundred yards flapping his arms and slapping his face as he went.
Panic stricken I just stood there with eyes like saucers wondering what the heck was going on
Of course when he calmed down I discovered that a bee had got inside his veil and he was simply demonstrating the beekeepers dance!!
HahahahA thank you everyone, I have really enjoyed reading your advice and experience!!! It makes me feel slightly less daft knowing there are others out there :) :thanks:
As I think I have written before - for my first bee-keeping experience, I was given one of the 'visitors' type jackets, wich is a one-piece, with no zips anywhere. Anyway shortly into the inspection, I became aware of a bee on the wrong side of the veil mesh! With some help, I managed to get the jacket off without too much drama, and the bee flew off, and I avoided getting stung How she got in - I have no idea! But having dealt with that on my first ever encounter with a hive, it gave me the confidence that I needed to actually get my own bees. Luckily, I have not had a repeat performance!
When I was practising shaking bees off frames with one sharp jolt I managed to dump a large ball of bees into my welly and after a heart stopping moment, soon felt them working their way up the inside of my trouser leg. I walked very very slowly and carefully away and after removing boots & trousers they all flew off without a single sting!
I must have looked a bit odd standing in the church yard in just my jacket & veil but fortunately the Vicar wasn't about.
Now I wear sailing boots that have lace up tops.