bees swarm how much

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New Bee
Dec 18, 2011
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guildford uk
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i have a small hive 4 frames of bees caught from one of my swarms how much should i sell it for if im just seling bees and frames :smash::smash::iagree:not worthy
If you've only got 1 hive I would keep it as you never know when you might need a frame of eggs or brood

hi i have 4 hive including this one now as i collected 3 swarms and there all laying nicly and the swarms all landed on my fence :sifone::sifone:
take a look at the prices in the for sale section there will be regional differences in prices as well as demand.
You need to change your hive numbers, Question: are the swarms from your hives? Are they all building good enough for winter? You can put them in a 6 frame nuc box and feed them over winter.
You should have BIAS on 4 frames of a 5 or 6 frame nuc there should be stores and no disease as well and you should get £140
How mercenary can people get! In our association we give swarms away to beginner members for nowt but only after hiving them onto clean combs or foundation, treating with oxalic acid to reduce the number of varroa to a minimum, marking the queen and when brood appears checking for brood diseases. It might even get requeened if the temper seems suspect. Beekeeping associations are charities and helping one another particularly the next generation of beekeepers is what it is all about in my view.
Beekeeping associations are charities and helping one another particularly the next generation of beekeepers is what it is all about in my view.
Try telling that to the IoW BKA!
But in fairness to Louisboy it was a swarm from one of his own hives (therefore akin to a split) and as a young lad starting out as a beekeeper the cash could help him with all the kit he now needs with his rapidly expanding apiary :) Personally in this case I wouldn't ask as much as 140 though: maybe 80-100
its up to the keeper of the bees if they want to sell them to make a bit of cash good on you for giving them away but not everyone can afford to.
How mercenary can people get! In our association we give swarms away to beginner members for nowt but only after hiving them onto clean combs or foundation, treating with oxalic acid to reduce the number of varroa to a minimum, marking the queen and when brood appears checking for brood diseases. It might even get requeened if the temper seems suspect. Beekeeping associations are charities and helping one another particularly the next generation of beekeepers is what it is all about in my view.

Beekeeping associations are charities and helping one another particularly the next generation of beekeepers is what it is all about in my view.
But he isn't either a charity or a beekeeping association, with a backup of resources.

It's not really fair to expect, or even suggest, that an individual should give away not only a swarm they've taken the time and effort to collect and house, but also frames, wax and a varroa treatment.
But he isn't either a charity or a beekeeping association, with a backup of resources.

It's not really fair to expect, or even suggest, that an individual should give away not only a swarm they've taken the time and effort to collect and house, but also frames, wax and a varroa treatment.

I go with that. If you have taken the time and put the effort into bringing that colony on then yes sell, nothing wrong with trying to self found your hobby.

But if I was to collect a swarm as I find that an enjoyable thing to do and also feel that I may be helping a little to that colonies survival but do not want to keep them myself. I would rather give these to some one deserving, just starting out. I for one like a lot of you know what it is like to spend money on the course and books then equipment and then when you manage to get this all together you have to find money for bees. I have a friend who will one day make a great beekeeper, got everything together but did not expect to have bees until next year because of the cost but now finds they have to colonies through the generosity of a well known local beekeeper/swarm collector.