For information; taken from BBKA Insurance FAQs -
5. I am called by a member of the public to collect bees that have swarmed – am I covered? What happens if I charge for my services?
You are covered provided it is part of your normal beekeeping activities. If you charge reasonable expenses then this will not affect your cover. However, if you make a business out of swarm collection this would be viewed differently. You would need normal Commercial Insurance for this business activity which is not covered by the BBKA policy.
Please refer to the Swarm Collection guidance on the BBKA website.
6. Is there any restriction on working at height?
Previously the policy included a working limit of 3 metres (applying to the beekeeper, not the swarm). This is no longer the case, replaced instead by the need to consult BBKA guidelines on swarm collection and height, which are available on the website.
Broadly speaking, you should not attempt any work for which you do not have adequate equipment, training or experience. The policy does not cover reckless acts, so if you are in doubt seek guidance from someone with the relevant experience or training, or preferably use an alternate method that would avoid you having to climb to height.
BBKA now provides a Swarm Collection Disclaimer. Not sure how effective it would be in practice if a lot of damage was caused or the damage was beyond the property owners expectations.
How much plopped down the flue? Did you retrieve it and how?
What was the Mask you sprayed on?
What do you do when the comb continues down 8ft?
Morning bud,
The vid only showed a third of hands on, and.... the main comb with HRH plopped directly down out of sight, and un retrieved as the stack was completely closed off downstairs.
The mask was ABM mix.
The footage didn't show clearly some of the longer brace comb removed so It was left out, but 2 sections were almost 3ft, and when its too far to reach then the remaining is treated and sealed.
Like any job, having the best tools at hand makes life easier, the task from start to finish - scaffold up to scaffold down took just over 3.5hrs.
I sent a link of your YouTube video to my friend Adrian (now retired from AB pest control) his feedback was full of praise for you both as a friend and a professional. Your reputation precedes you![]()
es that happily dust the outside of properties and the rest of the neighbourhood without sealing up post treatment.
I have also seen local beekeepers dust colonies in churches and not seal up - with the subsequent run of honey down the walls. I'm guessing they don't keep bees locally.
Those look relatively easy and small. Try dealing with a huge colony 8ft down a flue!
Report them..
"Pest controller fined £1,000 for offences resulting in the death of thousands of honey bees"