Bee stings ok.

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House Bee
Jul 15, 2010
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3 swarms, 1 14x12 nuc, national nuc
Been stung twice in two days by bees, no reaction. Been stung twice by horse flys and the arm is swelling up nicely. Beware there seems to be alot about at the moment.

To right, but only one table. Gave the wife two by mistake when she got stung by my bees. (in the dog house for a week)
Careful - horse fly swelling can be septicemia


my new bees are nuts they have not settled -stung 3 times one after another my hand has swelling 3 days now anything good to put on it?
To right, but only one table. Gave the wife two by mistake when she got stung by my bees. (in the dog house for a week)

no wonder ur in the dog house if you gave her a table, it must have been really chewy, what wood was it?:)
TABLET...... silly

don't give anyone dichlorphenic....................

see I can not spell either!!!!
"Been stung twice by horse flys and the arm is swelling up nicely"

NO - you was bat off the horesfly NOT stang.

(as demonstrated on the one show last year)

"Careful - horse fly swelling can be septicemia "

NO - often get secondary CELLULITIS which MAY progress to septicaemia if untreated.
"Been stung twice by horse flys and the arm is swelling up nicely"

NO - you was bat off the horesfly NOT stang.

(as demonstrated on the one show last year)

"Careful - horse fly swelling can be septicemia "

NO - often get secondary CELLULITIS which MAY progress to septicaemia if untreated.
Horse flies have a habit of making a tiny painless incision , taking a drop of blood, mixing it with their saliva, containing a local anesthetic and then going in for a gut full.
It's only the females who do this (required for egg laying) normally they feed on all sorts of muck and often carry bacteria which depending on your defence system can lead to varying degrees of infection ? :eek:

When I were a kid I seemed to attract every horsefly in the district forever getting bit by them - once on the ohbejoyfulls :eek: which was interesting to put it mildly.
I got invited to every summer kids picnic in the valley - they used me to keep the horseflies away from the other kids
You sure about painless VM?
I can honestly say that horseflies seriously freak me out, just thinking about them gives me goose bumps. They are quiet and they can certainly land without you feeling them. Unless you see it, the first you know is a sharp pain.
Over the years I've trained myself to allow it to land (if spotted) coz they are so slow to react. Once its landed it's dead. Still send shivers down my spine though.
Loads of horse flies here too...not seen them before in the nine years we've been here, although we get the big biting flies with the patterned wings in May/June whatever they are.

Not got me yet...
You sure about painless VM?
I can honestly say that horseflies seriously freak me out, just thinking about them gives me goose bumps. They are quiet and they can certainly land without you feeling them. Unless you see it, the first you know is a sharp pain.
Over the years I've trained myself to allow it to land (if spotted) coz they are so slow to react. Once its landed it's dead. Still send shivers down my spine though.
There are quite a few differing species of horse fly the Cleg being the largest, now this has bite like a bull terrier :)

Most however are subtle feeders, the first you know about it is the irritation which appears after the fly has flown ;).
I once had a large infected bite on my thigh and couldn't work out how it occurred ! some time later I put my hand in my trouser pocket and felt what I thought to be an old dog end nestling in the very bottom , on fishing it out I discovered it to be a dead horse fly ! Mystery solved :)

The summer after I moved up here from London a fly alighted on my arm. I was admiring its pretty speckled wings when it lifted its abdomen, arched its back and stabbed me!
It bloody hurt!
There you go VM .... the Cleg !!!! Horrid grey brown thing with sinister green eyes and downward pointing dagger snout. My blood has just run cold again.
I once had to drive across some fields to work on this farm and as I pulled up alongside a hedge, noticed all the flies on the windscreen. Loads of them and everyone a horse fly. Middle of summer, scorching hot and me in a full set of waterproofs :D

Stopped at a dairy farm in Coverack when I was younger, there were flies that resembled ordinary houseflies. Only way to tell the difference was to closely inspect the mouth parts, instead of the sucker type these had a nasty, sharp, biting device.
My husband, who is quite hairy, says he always feels them before they bite so has time to swat.
I'm not :) so never get warning.

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