Wax producing bees that are gorged with honey produce wax, automatically. When you look at the floor of a hive during a nectar flow there are lots of unused wax scales there,[/ QUOTE]
I have looked them 46 years and I have not seen much scales.
When you feed bees with sugar they "produce wax, automatically"
Huge nonsence.
Reduced to misquoting me again Finman? What a disappointment!
And, if you mean sugar syrup, how wrong you are, but I never mentioned feeding sugar (syrup or granulated), I talked about a nectar flow. Since you mentioned it though, are you claiming bees will not make wax when fed sugar syrup?
How about you answer a couple of the questions you've been asked rather than taking parts of statements out of context and attempting to throw ridicule around the thread, it's not very constructive, even if it is becoming predictable!