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Jul 23, 2009
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These have been filled again yesterday. Seems early. I’m sure I watched them being used late last summer.
Will the bees emerge this year?



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Yes is the short answer - the late summer ones after being filled stay there until spring. I'm sure Kaz will be along with a more comprehensive answer. Lovely to see them at work isn't it ?
We have some small round holes in the house stonework from the old garage door fixings. My young beekeeper son spotted a tawny mining bee crawling in and out of one this morning.
I used to cut the dry common reed and wrap bunch together, place it somewhere under the roof and they nest in.. Easily transported or moved from place to place. Cost nothing and made fast and easily. Now have no time and they have plenty of place for nesting already.
These have been filled again yesterday. Seems early. I’m sure I watched them being used late last summer.
Will the bees emerge this year?


All eggs laid this year will emerge next year. The flight season for Osmia bicornis is from March to July but even the earliest laid eggs will emerge next year. They spend a lot of time waiting to emerge, this and other early emerging spring species spend winter as adults in their natal cells waiting for the right time.

We have some small round holes in the house stonework from the old garage door fixings. My young beekeeper son spotted a tawny mining bee crawling in and out of one this morning.

I imagine your bee is also Osmia bicornis, tawny mining bees are ground nesting bees and not cavity nesters but both have red colouring.

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