Bait hives.. solid or open mesh floors

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Oct 30, 2010
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South West
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I generally use older hives for bait hive purposes, with solid floors.

Many newer beekeeperes will only have OMF type floors.

Has anyone noticed any difference in uptake?

:calmdown:PLEASE stick to answering the question and not get into the usual rumble about "baiting out" your rivals bees!!!:calmdown:
this was my best swarm arrival last year, it went through 2 feeders, 4 Qx and into an empty super box.
Many newer beekeeperes will only have OMF type floors.

Solid. It is generally agreed that low light intensity is the preferred option. That said, it is not difficult for the average 'inventive' beek to emulate a solid floor (as Anduril) or simply cover it temporarily.

Now whether the word 'inventive' cuts out too many beeks (let alone 'newer') is another matter. Their chances of success will simply be reduced, that is all. Their choice, I suppose.
I've had swarms settle on the underside of an open mesh floor and build comb there, not what I wanted them to do.
I agree that a solid floor is more likely to succeed. I place a few bait hives on top of drystone walls, which are about 1.5 metres high, and it often works.
Solid seems to be best. Google Seeley + bait hives, he's done a lot of research on this and there's a PDF online somewhere about the ideal bait hive.

Not sure where on the forum it is but if the little grey cells are working correctly. There was something about uv pens being used to attract bees, but they do not work, because bees cannot see the marking and you need a uv light to see it. The pen does not emit uv light of it's own accord. Not sure who wrote it and who commented about it.
:thanks: I thought it might be something like that, but I wasn't sure.

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