bait hive success?

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Good luck with them.

Worst year here for me ever for swarms. Not even getting calls.

One arrived in one bait hive from a bee tree (I think) apart from that zero. Said bait was by said bee

Good luck with them.

Worst year here for me ever for swarms. Not even getting calls.

One arrived in one bait hive from a bee tree (I think) apart from that zero. Said bait was by said bee


Our swarms have just started!!?something to do with sun finally arriving :hurray::hurray::hurray:
8 swarms collected this year! some given away, others made queenless and united
I had a very large swarm arrive on Sunday afternoon. Seemed to be a very large swarm. Very excited to have seen this. The bait hive had a couple of drawn frames and a few foundation frames. Before the bees arrived, there had been hundreds of scout bees checking the hive out.
How's that baited swarm doing Tony.
Today I found a tiny cast swarm living in some frames of foundation. Not more than a teacup of them. Never had much luck with bait hives. I was surprised the cast went in there as I had left the OMF open to reduce the risk of wax moth and I thought that open floor was no good as a bait hive. I gave them a frame with a few eggs and stores today when i found them and reduced the entrance to a couple of bee spaces.
I fully expected phone calls today but nope not a chirrup.

Fairly average this year. 1 swarm, 2 easy cut outs and 2 bait hive successes:)
Quite a lot of swarms in London. More than last year.
My single bait hive has had 5 serial takes this year (End of April to 2nd week June) but it then stopped in it's tracks. Not even a wayward scout to be seen since. Reasons ?......
Weather (only really good patch was last to weeks of May here)?
Early swarming?
Poor forrage meaning slower re-build?

Still, bolstered 2 of my colonies early in the year and got two new beeks up and running for free. Hopefully we wont see a repeat of last year with a high swarm rate in September. There are only so many combinings you can do!
There are only so many combinings you can do!

Much easier this year since building ten commercial nucs with separate OMF floors...allows quick combines of one or two nucs over a brood box, nuc over nuc then into a brood box, or enlarging colony towards full box before moving up if short of kit. Always remembering to take newspaper would help!
Good luck with them.

Worst year here for me ever for swarms. Not even getting calls.

One arrived in one bait hive from a bee tree (I think) apart from that zero. Said bait was by said bee


Hi Poly, if you want a swarm or 2, I can put you on our swarm collectors list, having at least 2 a day, always know when the calls are coming as soon as the sun comes out after the spell of bad weather. Collected a very large swarm yesterday. If you can travel to Sheffield or Rotherham you will be welcome. Because I running out of space, again.