Bait Hive / Scout Bees?

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Drone Bee
May 9, 2011
Reaction score
Hive Type
Number of Hives
2 Cedar + 5 Poly
We've had a bait hive out for a few weeks and no interest at all, however yesterday there were single bees investigating and one was rubbing it's rearend and then rubbing its legs on the front below the entrance. This was repeated today.
Am I right in thinking that they are applying pheramone (??) for a future takeover of the hive?
Also I got a call from a neighbour (500 mts. away) on Friday to say they have a swarm moved into an Ash tree. They are in the trunk 6ft. up and right beside the sheep handling pens and 20ft from the back door so they have to go by next Saturday. They took up residence on Tuesday and are well settled.
I've put a Nuc box close by but no interest as yet.
I'm hoping the scout bees came from this swarm and they may move if not I have to 'cure' the problem by next Sat.
Any sensible info. or suggestions welcome.

Tim :)
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Add a couple of drops of lemon grass oil just inside the entrance of your bait hive (I put it on a lolly stick and push the stick into the entrance) Refresh each week. Worked for me - twice this year:hurray: Good luck
We've got lemon grass oil in both the bait hive and nuc. but we're only getting interest in the bait hive.
The swarm seems quite happy in the ash tree. As it's trunk is 30" diameter at the entrance hole felling the tree is not an option. Shame really as it would keep the Rayburn going for a day or two.
If the swarm moved into the tree then I doubt it will move out easily, after all they selected the tree over other locations. I know you say they have to go but if they are by chance still in the tree next year you may get a swarm then. Sorry no other help.

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