Badger cull.

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what right do others have to cull /kill any other soul ? scientific evidence can be fabricated to suit who ever's need's.
and animals don't have souls, neither do whelks, slugs or lettuces and carrots for that matter - although I do believe the latter suffer terribly when ripped from the ground.THEY ARE NOT SENTIENT BEINGS
Man was designed to be an omnivore - his teeth are not built to cope with a wholly vegetarian diet - that's a fact, there is no doubt to it. Your body isn't designed to be totally vegetarian either. That's why a lot of vegans and the like exist on pills and potions to supplement their diet
Vegetarians weren't, except for chicken and fish.

vegetarians have no place in a civilised society - unless they're a chicken or a fish :D

and have you noticed how many so called 'vegetarians' are happy to eat fish - nothing less humane than the way fish are harvested from their natural environment.
and ;ook how many millions of acres of rain forest has been hacked down to satiate the vegetarians demand for non animal based proteins - millions of acres of soya beans causing irreparable damage to the ozone layer in more ways than one
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.... I thought that soya was being planted as a feed crop for animals - to satisfy the world demand for more meat...
vegetarians have no place in a civilised society - unless they're a chicken or a fish :D

and have you noticed how many so called 'vegetarians' are happy to eat fish - nothing less humane than the way fish are harvested from their natural environment.
and ;ook how many millions of acres of rain forest has been hacked down to satiate the vegetarians demand for non animal based proteins - millions of acres of soya beans causing irreparable damage to the ozone layer in more ways than one

My daughter has just announced that she is becoming vegetarian and gave me a diatribe about climate change and meat production. I looked around the fields and the valley that surround my lovely part of the world and thought, "what do you do with the poor ground here in Wales? Maybe rice this year :) "
I have a duty to support my local producers. What on earth would they do if they weren't farming?
She eats fish though. Happy to eat a wild migratory animal caged and overfed in a prison.
We are not talking about eating in this thread though, it's about culling. Killing, not eating.

True - needs to be done unfortunately - over protection has upset the balance unfortunately in this case and IMHO is the root cause of the problem.
If it was rats, mice and cockroaches we wouldn't be having this debate though would we?

.......or varroa mites for that matter poor dabs, look how we persecute them
its not a fact, humans digestive system's are designed for vegatable / fruit diet .... flesh eating is just for feeding the sense's . there is no need to eat dead rotten flesh pumped with chemicals ...... As for soul every living thing has a soul there is just different states of conciouness , as conciusness is a symtem of the soul
the meat (murder) industry is the biggest destroyer of this planet, FACT ( there is plenty of evidence about this ) and true vegetarian does not eat fish or eggs (both are meat , egg just liqued form )
the meat (murder) industry

And you can anthropomorphise as much as you like and use pathetic emotive language - it is not murder as they are not sentient beings.
Do foxes, chickens and the like have social consciences? B*llox they do
And you can anthropomorphise as much as you like and use pathetic emotive language - it is not murder as they are not sentient beings.
Do foxes, chickens and the like have social consciences? B*llox they do
Apparently chickens do but they still taste nice all the same..:D
its not a fact, humans digestive system's are designed for vegatable / fruit diet ....

If that is true, then what's with the human's miniscule and redundant appendix? Herbivores have a long caecum to digest plant material - humans don't.
The size and development of the human brain is attributed to eating cooked meat..

If vegans/vegetarians were honest, they would drink no milk nor eat milk products (chocolates) as the dairy industry is dependent upon killing calves/removing them from their mothers before weaning. They would also use no personal products tested on animals, and wear no leather objects.

Nor would they eat any honey.

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