Bad Luck For Me.

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Jun 4, 2015
Reaction score
Co / Durham / Co Cleveland and Northumberland
Hive Type
Number of Hives
17 nucs....
Now that the weather is going to start to get better i have only went and slipped over and broke my right wrist, the timing could not have been better, i can see fun and games on the horizon when trying to open up for inspections, and its even worse trying to do everything left handed..:hairpull:
Sorry to hear that - I did not get the impression that you were that fragile!
Could your other half inspect under your supervision or a friend?
Sorry to hear that - I did not get the impression that you were that fragile!
Could your other half inspect under your supervision or a friend?

I usually bounce of things pretty good lol, i went over quite quick on sloppy mud while walking the dog yesterday, i have 2 bee suits so hopefully my lady friend can help my main worry is the weight of things though.
Hope it mends quickly, just what you didn't need.

If I can manage the lifting then the average woman can so maybe no need to worry?
Thank you for the good lucks i might need it yet the small hospital i went to today wanted to refer me to a bigger hospital as i have a piece of floating bone near the break, i said i'm not being cut open for that so i have to go see a Orthopedic consultant on Tuesday, that might get emotional, i hate hospitals a day or two stay in there would crack me up as would one of them super bug infections folk seem to be getting these days.
Hope it soon mends, Steve.
Also hope you don't get one of them killer super bugs from the hospital.:angelsad2:
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Sorry to hear about your injury. As to your maintenance issue with the bees, due to your injury I'd recommend a second partner to assist. Good luck with a quick recovery, and your bee keeping until you're fully healed.
Sorry to hear that Millet - another little nuisance of getting old(er), we don't bounce as well as we used to! :(

Good luck, hope it mends quickly without the need for further intervention.

(Is there anyone in your association who could help?)
Yes, I hope it mends quick and completely for you.
If it doesnt, look on the bright side, I know a one armed beekeeper who gets along on his own just fine.
Hope it soon mends, Steve.
Also hope you don't get one of them killer super bugs from the hospital.:angelsad2:

My brother snapped both his shin bones a few years ago and had to have plates and screws put in there to hold everything together, he spent weeks in hospital through some kind of antibiotic resistant infection, and the stuff that was leaking out of the dressing turned my stomach.
Any one handy to give our member a hand? Literally? Or act as robot?

Would be happy to but sadly too far away.


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