b+ that was not a simple explanation of an assessment. You and Derek need to sit down sometime and explain in layman's terms what you think you are doing.You know, I tried to give a simple explanation so that beginners would get an appreciation of assessment. It's getting so that we can't pass on even simple things anymore.
If you can't explain it to a 10 year old then you don't understand it yourself.
Sometimes the things you understand and take for granted need to spelled out in simpler terms for those who don't.
I would think most people turned off at
DE-6-1-0456-2017 98.25
DE-6-1-0512-2017 133.65
DE-6-1-0535-2017 98.50
DE-6-1-0872-2017 116.10
DE-6-1-0884-2017 33.55
DE-6-1-1022-2017 93.75
Which would you prioritize? .
Then you need to read further to find which of those DE numbers where related or not.
Simple...... I think not.
Some times I think you and Derek are oblivious to real life.
Perhaps stuck up ones own donkey (or related animal) is a good analogy.
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