I would recommend that you all view Andrew Durhams presentation to BBKA, its on YouTube, it provides all the answers to the questions raised here. I have been to the apiary several times and witnessed what is happening. The hornets hawk the hives and catch the flying foragers, after a short while the hive is severly weakened and stops foraging. Then the wasps move in, an easy hit as the hive is weak. The brood is then taken by the hornet. The hornets then move on to the next weak target, and it repeats. The hornets then predate on the wasps. The apiary is absolutely full of wasp/hornets traps whcih catch a large number of hornets, but an insignificant number compared with the attacking force. We estimate that there are 4 hornet nests over the cliff in the area between the clifftop and the sea. It is likely a critical mass issue, the numbers of hornets, that close simply overwhelm.
As for moving the apiary, where to? How many people can move 17 colonies to another location, this is his only apiary? He has moved the last 3 hives, these are quite agressive which may be the reason they have survived, but there are hornets along the whole coast line from dover to Hythe (and probably further) so where to? As per Andrew Durhams presentation (part 2), there are preventions you can take, the best being the electric harp, but that runs in at £100+ and you then need a power supply, say leisure battery + spare for each hive etc etc, an expensive option.
The NBU are clearing the nests as there are sightings but there has until recently been very little done to bring it to the attention of the general public. We are, within our means, trying to get the message out there. Where there are no nests, eg in the Essex port towns, it could simply be that no-one is looking out for them. There have been nests all along the north kent coast, it is inconceivable that they are not in Essex on the the opposite shore.
The NBU remain very secretive about where the nests have been found, but it seems that there are new find almost daily/every other day. There have been another in Whitstable, ones in Medway, Hackney, Clapham and North Devon coast(?).