Art or Firewood ? Be honest ...

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Oct 16, 2012
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Fareham, Hampshire UK
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My other passion outside of my bees is woodturning .. I'm probably a better wood turner than I am a beekeeper - not that being a particularly high bar ! I attended a webinar this week with an American lady who was turning finials ... I've done quite a few over the years but she took them a step further and it inspired me to get on the lathe today and having made the finial I figured I'd better make something for it to sit on. I found a piece of fruitwood (probably Plum by the looks of it) at the bottom of my 'bits I might use one day' box .. it had been riddled with woodworm - long gone and treated with a blast of Rentokil ...but my woodturning is nearly as off the wall as my beekeeping so I thought ... here goes.

I made this. I quite like it ... totally impractical as a box ... pretty useless for anything to be honest - rustic to say the least with the woodworm damage. I introduced my lastest creation to 'er indoors and was met with a less than enthusiastic response ... I won't tell you exactly what she said but I don't think it's going to get pride of place in Chex Argyle in the near future.

So .. not looking for an ego massage or fishing for compliments ... what do you think ? Would you give it houseroom or is it firewood ? Are you with me or 'er indoors ?Finial Box 4.jpgFinial Box 3.jpgFinial Box 1.jpgFinial Box 2.jpg
Philip, the box I love. Will a jar of honey sit in it? I’ll buy it but can you take the twiddly handle off it?
Philip, the box I love. Will a jar of honey sit in it? I’ll buy it but can you take the twiddly handle off it?
Sadly not's not that big ... it's probably taken 10 years for the woodworm to do their stuff but I'll get them onto a another piece in readiness ! :giggle:
You clearly take “treatment free” a little too far, looking at the worm holes🤪
As above - interesting box, but don’t like the finial.
it would make a nice little trinket/whatever box the wormholes give it real character, needs a nuch smaller/darker finial, something far less ostentatious
Love the box which looks like a very tempting chunk of chocolate. As others have said, the finial is a bit OTT, which is a shame as that was the whole reason for the enterprise ...
Looks like it's made of dodgy chocolate. A turned aero bar.
It does look like a bog brush holder though.
Loose the finial, needs a sunken button knob, box is brilliant bit of art.

PS. if its pierced put potpourri in it.

Easy enough to lose the finial .. I've left a foot on the box so I can just chop the finial off and turn another one .... perhaps in a darker wood and a bit smaller ... watch this space ....
Fascinating that a project to make a finial has resulted in so many suggestions to get rid of the finial itself rather than the vehicle you created out of a bit of worm-holed firewood to show it off.
The box is lovely. The finial reminds me of a spinning bobbin. It would also make a lovely light pull.
Oh I love the box part, great texture and very unusual. As others have said: I'd separate the 2 parts. No disrespect to your turning skills though! - Both halves would look much better without the other - ?
Bit like our lavatory brush holders actually! :icon_204-2: :icon_204-2: :icon_204-2: :icon_204-2:

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