My point is that the drone has 16 chromesome to pass on and the queen has 32, but the queen can only pass the other 16 onto the offspring.
She will pass 50% of her genes onto *every* bee. Each drone will only pass on his genes to some of the workers. So she's going to have the greater influence.
Not only that, but raising queens from your best colony increases the frequency of the genes from your best colony in your surrounding area.
Even if the daughter's colony doesn't turn out that great (because of what she has mated with), the drones from the daughters will have the genes you prefer.
step two: The queen can pass on any combination of traits, including those not expressed in her and have them expressed in the offspring. Providing she was open mated she can pass on traits from drones that are not expressed in the colony as a whole.
And you can weed them out by selection on her daughters.
So there is a great chance you will breed a bunch of sub par queens before you get a good one. Which is why I argue that the bees can do just as good a job making a queen as an amateur beekeeper.
I don't think you're really thinking it through fully. If you breed off your best colony you're more likely to get some better queens than if you didn't select at all.
The worst that will happen is you'll end up with some of the same quality as if you didn't select, but which produce drones carrying better genes.
Also the bees do make the queen either way.
Brother Adam sunk about 10 years of breeding into each trait he wanted to stabilize in the buckfasts. In the grand scheme, selective breeding is pointless on an amateur level when it comes to bees. For it to really be affecting you have to have total control, in either remote and isolated breeding yard or with the use of AI.
Brother Adam was aiming for total control, just because you may not be able to do that, doesn't mean you shouldn't try and have a positive influence on selection, and please can we call use the usual term II?
Without those tight controls you can breed good queens, but you are wasting many other good queens that the bees are creating themselves and therefore wasting a resource that is easily available to you.
Without those controls you can't breed great queens 100% of the time, you can still have a positive influence on the genetics around you.
It's almost like saying because I can't earn a million pounds a year I should just not try to earn anything at all.