Apiary site in Edinburgh (and surrounding areas!)

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New Bee
May 15, 2015
Reaction score
Hive Type
Hi all,

I've done the course, got my kit together and now just need to get the bees. So basically a total new-bee (hah, even made myself chuckle there!).

I was thinking about having my bees in my garden, but after a re-think AND reading about some interesting experiences on here think an out apiary is better suited.

So, does anyone in the Edinburgh or West Lothian/Mid Lothian areas know of any space or anyone who would like some bees, without the work of bees and perhaps a little honey?

Many thanks!
I fully appreciate you are very new. However...

To find an out apiary site requires doing some scouting to find somewhere that you think may work, finding the land owner and asking then making a deal.

A third party cannot know what your requirements are and over the years is not a method that seems to have a good success rate.

I cannot work out how many sites I have had over time but at least 12 and I found every one by getting off my arse and going and finding.

The more effort, the more success.

Hi PH!

Appreciate the quick reply. As you've mentioned, getting a site is difficult - what's the best ways you've found of getting a site?

Assuming Phone calls/Face to Face is the best way - but who should I be contacting/knocking doors of?

I've spoken to our local group too, and there's a beekeeper with 50 years of experience down the road, so have asked if I could help at his site/he be a mentor and also potentially keep a hive there (he's got quite a large piece of land and is a keen gardener too).

I've also been in touch with some farmers in the area, so here's hoping there as well.

I've also spoken to a local fruit farm to see if they are keen.

All my fingers are crossed, but any suggestions appreciated!

There are pros and cons to keeping bees in your garden.. it really depends on the orientation, size, and it's relationship to your neighbour's property. I know several BKeeps who keep a couple of hives in relatively small gardens without issue.

I got one on my out apiaries by pure chance during a conversation at a local association meeting (right place, right time) but the local association regularly gets offered locations for hives which are distributed to members for them to pursue.

My other apiaries I got through talking to people.. I wanted to put hives on my allotment but the parish council opposed it.. the Clerk had a suitable space in her garden so was offered that. The other one was a chance conversation with the owner of the local independent garage when we had the car serviced.
I think I covered this already but here we are.

I get into my car or literally get on my cycle and explore. I go up farm tracks, along country roads looking for:

Access. #1 due to moving heavy objects.

Shelter and space to work the hives which will be facing south west.

Available forage with out which 1 and 2 are useless.

I am not a fan of keeping bees in gardens as I have had it go seriously wrong and a neighbour got hammered, and I would have bet that hive was safe. Live and learn, and it is better to learn from anothers FU than have to suffer the consequences yourself.

Luckily this is the modern world - use whatever's available to you. If you're on facebook, chuck it on there and ask your friends to share it, look on there for local smallholder's/gardeners pages and you might find something. freecycle is good, gumtree, costs nothing to put a 'wanted' up etc, notice board in local community centres whatever. Once you've got a few responses you can go out there and look which ones are suitable. Have you joined your local association. They may know of somewhere - we had three approaches last year from people who wanted bees on their land without the hassle of beekeeping. Three great sites as well as it happens.
I hope it is not being suggested I am old fashioned? My business is near 90% web led in reality.

I didn't mention social media as I found the few times I was generously offered a site that it was useless for my needs.

Hands on and eyes open is my method but obviously you use what you find works.
