Queen Bee
There were long stretches without road lighting.
I just had visions of you driving along in total darkness crashing into hedges etc.
There is none at all around here, we have no light pollution, thank the lord.
There were long stretches without road lighting.
I just had visions of you driving along in total darkness crashing into hedges etc.
There is none at all around here, we have no light pollution, thank the lord.
He has no interest in bees, although, he did do an investigation on the zone of inhibition created by honey on e.coli plates.
Of course. The road was b****y dark though. There were long stretches without road lighting.
Compared to the hour + I had to drive from Plymouth to Exeter last night (in complete darkness), I'm sure it will be ok
Well at least living here......... you can see the milky way
The take up and bring back runs can be worse, seven years of car laden trips with everything including the kitchen sink, ...
So are the Brecon Beaconsfield. Just behind me
"Exmoor National Park is designated an International Dark Sky Reserve ---the first in Europe"
you are protected HM
As all non town roads should be. It would cut down on the debt for one thing and it doesn't make any difference to the amount of crashes, if anything no streetlights should mean less as people drive slower when there arnt any.
Also it cuts down crime as burglars are wimps now days, they are afraid of the dark to so wont burgle in an area that doesn't have them, and this is proven by police forces. Its just people wanting them as they think it makes them more safe.
So are the Brecon Beaconsfield.
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I recommend the University of Plymouth
I just had visions of you driving along in total darkness crashing into hedges etc.
There is none at all around here, we have no light pollution, thank the lord.
You must be a towny......I'm the same, hate dark roads whereas Stan prefers them in the lanes....says you can see something's coming well before you need to avoid them.
Beacons!! designated a dark sky reserve in 2013
switch off all unnecessary lighting but they forgot to install cats eyes and white markings.