Any ideas where I could obtain...

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Queen Bee
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
Wiltshire, Somerset, S Glos & S Oxfordshire
Hive Type
some sheets of clear perspex ?

They don't need to be too thick - I am making a plant house to replace the plastic jobs I used last year that didn't survive the winter.

cheap or as free as possible !


i will try and find the supplier i used to use, but we used a fibre glass type job and they were sent as 610 squares or 1210 by 610 which is a growers green house size, we founf that polycarb was cheaper than perspex and the other stuff i have seen is a 5 mm thick twin wall sheet aswell

try looking for LBS lyd some where in north yorkshire the do poly tunnels and horticultural supplies
I have gotten Acrylic sheet from this firm in Shepshed

01509 507123 called Polybron Ltd

used to get sheet cut to size from them for biologic filter systems
Perpex dearer branded matierial.

avilable as cell cast or extruded sheet

used Tensol cements from bostik or Dichoromethane to bond together
some sheets of clear perspex ?

They don't need to be too thick - I am making a plant house to replace the plastic jobs I used last year that didn't survive the winter.

cheap or as free as possible !


I have had large sheets from B&Q would you believe! dear though.
Very often glass suppliers do perspex too.

I used to have a mobile food stall at shows, the 'glass' front was perspex, cut and moulded to shape by the local glass supplier - Melton Glass, not a lot of use to you as they would be too far away, but try a glass supplier :)

any good signmaker will have perspex and probably lots of offcuts as well

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